Soldier rigged
Untitled from daniel tilley on Vimeo.
I have added the bag i made and put a camo texture on the sodier and then i rigged it for animating. The rigging took about a day to complete but it was the skinning that was a bit of a pain. I had to change all the skin weights because they didnt work properly and would distort in the wrong places. I managed to get a satisfactory result and did a test animation (above).
Back pack
Pod room

I have spent the last week working on the pod room design and making it. the textures are not final i still need to texture the walls properly and add a little more detail. This is the room you enter from lab 1 and is the last of the rooms i will be making. i am going to spend the rest of my time tweaking things and making them loook and work better.

You then go through this tunnel to get to the labs. I made it to be very simple, i will be placing earthy textures on the wall to give it the feeling of being underground. I wanted to have a tunnel like this at the beggining because it makes you feel like you are leaving one place and entering a new one and also beacause you feel like you are underground.
Otto Dix

Dead Rising, Frank West
gears of war concept art
Untitled from daniel tilley on Vimeo.
i have now made the body and a machine gun. i have put some colour onto them to get an idea of how it will look but it is not the final texures.
head rotation from daniel tilley on Vimeo.
I have found this head more time consuming and very difficult to do. i still have to distort the face to look like a zombie and i am also having problems with american cop style hair i cant get it to look right. i am leaving it in this state for now whilst i complete the soldier body.
soldier head
masked head from daniel tilley on Vimeo.
This is the head of the soldier i am making. This hasnt as much of a problem as i was expecting but i havent had to do a detailed face like i will have to on the zombie. I am glad i did this one first as i feel more confident aproaching the more comlicated face.
Character modelling

church yard

church tower

church porch
control room

corporation logo

church idea
Scientist ideas

Main character policeman/zombie
story idea
I wrote a list of things that relate to horror and i decided to go with a zombie game. I know its been done many times before and evryones probably sick of killing zombies so thats why i have came up with the idea of you playing as the zombie and you doing all the scaring and disease spreading. Now i know there may be a game like this already in existance but i cant think of any so i am going to go ahead with this idea.
what i aim to acheive from this project: I am going to design a game and make two of the sets/environments for it, one interior and one exterior. If i can also fit making one of the characters into the schedule then i will as i feel it is something i need to improve on.